It only took two days for DD Saber Lily to make her way from basically one side of the continent to the other but it felt like forever while I waited for her arrival. It’s been a while since I have been so impatient for a package to arrive! Though despite my eagerness to open up the Dollfie of my dreams (pun totally intended) I waited an extra day with her sitting there in the box! Part of why I waited was because by the time I was home and settled after running tons of errands it was 11:15pm and I had work the next morning. The other part of why I waited was I wanted much better light so that I could take a bunch of photos!
That being said, I did start to lose the light towards the end of our shoot, so you’ll have to pardon some of the photos since I had to resort to the built in flash on my SLR – I still think overall the photos turned out well, and I’ll interject comments here and there. Of course I couldn’t leave my other Dollfie out of this momentous event! Plus she has a name! Though I still have a habit of calling her Yukino a lot, I decided to name her Elle! What do you guys think?
For this shoot I decided it would be nicest to clear off our coffee table completely – and I’m really glad I did because there were so many parts packed into her box!! I used a light coloured bedsheet as a backdrop, and MoMo decided to have some fun on it before we got everything unpacked. So I’ll start with a picture of her!
What a cutie!! I couldn’t resist! I’m sorry everyone! Please forgive me! Quick! An epic loot shot!
It’s Elle with a large box! On the left we have Saber’s sword Excalibur with Avalon scabbard and on the right we have the sword Saber Lily comes with: Caliburn! Saber Lily’s box is really pretty but also subtle, the artwork on it is fantastic – if you get a chance go look at the larger images on flickr to get a better look.
The swords are quite large (they’re shown later out of the box don’t worry!) but they aren’t quite as gigantic as the sword that Alter’s Shin Sonic Fate comes with! I only know this because Bob showed me on Skype over the weekend! ^_^
I couldn’t resist adding this in with MoMo staring at Saber. Though I did decide to cover her to make her SFW.
Saber is free from her plastic prison!!! Decided to throw on a wig I purchased specifically for her from Leeke World while they had their free shipping promo. Of course I couldn’t leave her naked so she’s wrapped up in one of my silk scarves. I forgot how big the M-bust was when I took her out of the packaging! I had gotten used to Elle’s S-bust so it was a bit of a shock!
The magic of the hidden joint is hard at work for these shots! (´・ω・`)
Instruction manual! Filled with strange runes from the moon people!
Absolutely love the detail on her panties!!! So cute!
The sexy undergarments! Amazing what a difference the wigs make on her too!
The stockings are really nice, I love the material they’re made of – they slide on so easily!
There’s little bits of wire in her skirt that allow you to pose it like her promo shots show. It also helps to keep the outer skirt more rigid. There’s a LOT of fabric going on here – plus the petticoat underneath all that fabric is actually easiest to put on if you remove her top half from her lower half. SLIGHTLY HORRIFIC DISMEMBERMENT.
The materials are impressive – Volks certainly didn’t skimp on her outfit!
That wig though is beyond fragile! We had to be very careful and even then it was tricky and hard to avoid damaging it!
My two Dollfies together! So very different in their look! Sam wanted to make Elle look like she had street cred.. I’m not sure if it worked given her giant doe eyes and curly pink hair.
Two green eyed beauties. I wonder how the purple eyes I picked up will look on Elle?
After a LOT of work we got her into all her armour. It’s fairly straight forward it’s just time consuming. As you can see her feet get removed and so do her hands. it’s a little horrific but the results are FANTASTIC. My light was starting to go by this point but I will definitely get some nice detail shots of her armour – especially the leg pieces – when I get a chance in better lighting.
Looks like Excalibur may be a little heavy for Elle….
The chest piece is really nice – and the weight of it is surprising for being plastic. Paint is also really well done on all the pieces.
Those eyes are something else.
I thoroughly enjoy that they moulded hinges onto the arm pieces of her armour. It’s a very nice touch!
Elle will show us Excalibur and Caliburn! ^_^
I had to go by other means in order to get a hold of this sword – which I’ve had for quite some time! I was able to get this via proxy from one of the Dollpa 24 after parties.
Both swords are beautifully detailed, just on their own as display pieces they’d be quite something!
Her green eyes are very fitting for St. Patrick’s Day!
Saber Lily’s ‘spot’ in our bedroom – she gets to chill with my amazing zebra (which many of you may recognise from IKEA) I’m really glad I have a saddle stand for her though – she’s so heavy with all that armour it’s tricky to get her balanced. I certainly wouldn’t want to leave her free standing for any extended period of time!
And of course, with Saber on my one and only stand, Elle has to perch on one of our shelves – but at least she has octopus company!
I hope you all enjoyed the photos! I still find it hard to believe that this Dollfie actually belongs to me despite spending my hard-earned money on her. It feels like it was just yesterday Bob was showing me leaked images of her, and now here she is sitting in my apartment.
Green eyes ftw!
Seeing the two side-by-side Elle now looks just a bit strange. I think it’s the shape of her eyes, she seems kind of sad I think. Not really sure why. Saber Lily on the other hand has a better proportioned face and she looks much cuter. (Sorry Elle)
It’s surprising how many components there are to her dress and armour. I’d hate to have to put all that on every day, poor Saber Lily must take her forever to get ready for dates.
My favourite shots out of the set I think might be Saber looking like she just got out of bed (hawt) and this one just cropped a bit at the top to remove the jointed bit of her midriff.
I see that Saber can hold her sword up but can she hold it in a battle stance? I’m not sure how stiff the joints are in Dollfies, perhaps it’s an obvious question.
Oh yeah, I’m not surprised how big the m-bust is, Saber needs an s-bust 😛 Would her clothes even fit then? heh. Actually her bust isn’t as noticeable once she’s all dressed, the clothes seem to give her all some proportion where nude or in her sexy undergarments she looks a bit too big to be Saber, though perhaps not too big to be Saber Lily I guess.
I’ll make the panty shot into a desktop for you (and crop out her torso joint) just let me know the dimensions you want and I’ll email ya 🙂
I dunno if her clothing would fit properly with the s-bust, I could always just try dressing Elle in it and seeing… The Yukino faceup gives off a sad emotion so Elle does look a little sad/worried all the time. It might be less pronounced with one of the other eye types. Both face ups are very beautiful, but they convey very different feelings. I also think that the moulds are done by different sculptors too which gives them different looks.
Also about a “battle stance” she can definitely do one I will try to get a couple photos to you later today. Dollfie joints are similar to figma joints but they can loosen with time and wear. But she can hold the sword up and out fairly easily with some patience and good posing.
Horo is my only wallpaper, but thanks for the offer.
Dressing Ellie up in Saber’s attire sounds like quite the job, I wouldn’t ask that of you. Way too many components.
Ah, I wasn’t sure the arms would be stiff enough to hold out the sword, figured they were enough for their own arms but the sword would add too much weight and leverage.
i want pantsu wallpapers!
She looks fantastic. It is so good to see her our of her box and displayed in your room.
I have to admit my favourite pictures are when you have her wrapped in the silk cloth. They look very classy and the wig is amazing on her.
She also looks great when you put her in her armor!
Definitely worth the wait eh?
“Of course I couldn’t leave her naked so she’s wrapped up in one of my silk scarves.”
I skimmed over this a few days ago since I figured I was going to see this sooner or later, but now that I look at her, there’s just as much to love under the dress. The sculpt of her navel is incredible.
Thanks for making this post, btw — I very much enjoy observing the reactions from my friends when I show this to them. “Did I mention she’s 1,200 buck?” Priceless.